Archive for October, 2011
Tonight I’d like to introduce you to SETH! ^^
Finally a small character sheet for you to know better that fiery little redhead – 5F1′, if you’re asking. And 32J, if you keep wondering. 😉

In a little while, Darius appeared and sat at the kitchen table. “Morning, Jimmy! You don’t look like you slept too well. Shit, I didn’t sleep that much last night either… and neither did Mandy.” he snickered. “I guess I should tell you that dealing Blackjack is a hobby of mine. You should’a cut the cards.” He laughed a huge laugh.
“You’re a real bastard, Darius. That’s my wife you did that to!” And I swung at him.
Of course, he caught my hand and crushed it in his huge fist. I crumpled to the floor, my hand still in his vise.
Finally, at daylight, I walked in through the patio door, only to hear more moans and groans. Then after a while I heard the shower start and realized that the noises were coming from the bathroom. I peeked into the steam to see them both in our over-sized tub, Amanda bent forward with her perfect boobs jiggling, the water striking her back as Darius plowed into her virgin ass with his morning erection. This was something she had always said disgusted her as it was too dirty for her, and she never wanted to even try it with me!
Darius gave her bare ass a resounding slap, leaving a red mark. “You’re one fucking hot little whore, Mandy, no denying that. But don’t be getting too comfortable… I’ve only just started.”
And he had. I dozed, fitfully, in the chair. Throughout the night, I was awoken by the sounds of Darius fucking the living hell out of Amanda. I may have missed a time or two, but by my calculation, Darius fucked my wife six times and demanded and received 3 blow jobs..