Hey everyone. So.. some things to talk about.
-Shelly finished another page of Dangerwoman.
-Lineart for Libertywoman 2 is done. It’ll be sent to Sharpie this weekend.
-Lineart for the covers for Moneymaker 10 and 11 are done. It’ll be sent to Alek near the end of the month.
-Sketches of Wrong House 8, Mount Harass 2, and Spydersperm have started. I’ll show that next week. I’ll be sending Wrong House 5.5 to JABcomix this weekend with our classic commentary. Wrong House 6.5 is scheduled to appear in December.
-What I want to do next year is to put the Moneymaker/Give Me an A series on Sunday with the Jinx pinups and the sketch updates. This will allow us to add more titles (22 approximately) for 2012. I hope you’ll like that.
-This week, I’ll be getting more pages of O Girl 2 done for Enigmawing. Then I’ll work on either Spydersperm or Mount Harass 2. I’m waiting on Santa’s HoHoHos, Wrong House 7, and Angel Pie. I hope they’ll finish on time. Both Mai and Julian have a lot of stuff to do.
Below is Hello Kitty’s contest entry. Please vote for us in November at JABcomix