Archive for December 25th, 2011

Added a Christmas Pinup to the California Poon Pinup Gallery

Added pg 3 of “Jungle Janet”

Added pg 3 of “Jungle Janet” to the Comics section

Merry Christmas

What a year. 18 comics this year. We’ve launched our 50th comic (Santas’s HoHoHos) for the site. WooHoo. It’s definitely been a rollercoaster year for this site. A lot of ups and downs.

Anyways, I want to wish all of you members (new and old) great prosperity and joy this holiday season. Without your support and contribution, we couldn’t do what we do here. So thank you again for allowing us to entertain you for a third year and hopes for a very successful fourth.

I also want to thank this year GemLord (Irene Insurance Pinups), Julian Gabriel Cuello (Wrong House, Angel Pie, Irene Insurance, Greatos,  Kym Pregnable, Hood), Tayfun Sezer (Gillygan, Spirit Calling, Hood), Michelle Soneja (Mount Harass, Dangerwoman, Gene69), Sharpie (Libertywoman),  Misterioso (Walnuts, Archee, Santa’s HoHoHos), Alek Montel (Moneymaker, Give Me an A, Bitchchasers), ElysiumBliss/Cunt/HarleyQuinn (Studacus), Marvin Mundo (Libertywoman, Angel Pie), DigitalCAPs (most of the lettering here), Grafeletter (Who does the remaining lettering projects), Jinx (Pinups), Chip Cannon (California Poon), and Enigmawing (O Girl, Mindy in Space, Hood) thanks for you hard work , sacrifice, and willingness to work with this subject matter.

Also welcoming V Sobral (Blondie parody), Boo (Transformers parody), Billy Cadillac (Transformers Parody), JM Urbina (unnamed project?), and Nic Capulis (Spiderman parody?) to the staff.  I look forward to seeing what you guys can bring to the site.

special thanks to Oren Kramek, KinkyJimmy, JAB, Moose , Siggy, Webmaster, SS Compton, and A Tavakoly. Thanks for standing by me and supporting this insane career choice.

Happy Holidays again and thank you ever so much.