Archive for March 9th, 2010

Added Page 8 of Car Trouble

Vivian sat up, pulling herself out of his arms. “You can’t be serious?” Vivian could tell by the look on Lou’s face he was dead serious. “I’m not a whore. What kind of a man are you?”

Announcing JABWiki!

We are very pleased to announce the introduction of our new wiki dedicated to all things Jab!

Like any wiki ours is driven by user contributions, big and small, all adding up to one incredible collection of information and trivia. The wiki has been integrated into the forum, so all of you are able to edit articles and create new articles on the wiki. If you have any questions about the wiki or need helping doing something just make a topic here. If you have ideas about how to improve the wiki share them here, we are open to any suggestions you might have. It is our hope that one day this wiki will be home to every last bit of information about all the Jabcomix characters and personalities and our community. I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with; I know that with your help JabWiki will become one of the best wiki’s on the net!

Visit the JabWiki right here!
Discuss the wiki and this announcement in our JabWiki Forum.

Good luck and have fun,
—-The JabComix Staff

Added pg 14 of "My Hot Ass Neighbor 5"!

Added pg 14 of “My Hot Ass Neighbor 5”!

Wong and family wait at the dinner table for his father to get home..
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