“Hey Tellus! Instead eat my tongue the cat swallowed my cock! Am I doing something wrong?!”
“Aw, shaddap you silly cunt!”
Unfortunately the piece isn’t colored yet, but believe me, thats She-Hulk down there – thats why we needed three girls to put her in her proper place. 😉
Thanks for all your answers every time we ask a question here. Your answers are – sometimes – nice surprises, like to know that a pleasure look in the heroine face is very appreciated. And sorry if my english is more broken than usual today – it was a long, productive day for all of us. We decided that instead release that new heroine story in two weeks, we’ll focus in finish Monday and the Another Worlds stories. Next weeks will be bumpy for us, but we’ll resume those stories as soon as possible, and give them an end before we go for the next comic.
And, to end this post, tonight’s question is: How much would you tolerate a change in the heroine, in these aspects?
1. Physical – examples are breast expansion, growing a cock, change in the costume, etc.
2. Mental – examples are increasing libido, decrease IQ, mind break, etc.
3. Social/Status quo – examples are turning evil, losing the respect of the public, etc.
Please tell us what things you like, instead what you don’t like. (Heroine becoming evil is a good answer, heroine becoming the sidekick of her former sidekick is a good answer. “Bad ending” isn’t a good answer, because it’s totally personal. “Heroine becoming a slave for life of the villain” would be a good answer for a ‘bad ending scenario’.)
If you don’t like any change in the heroine, then tell us what kind of scenario you like. And remember, nobody is here to judge you on what you like.
And enjoy!
First of all, thanks for the many answers in the last post! It’s great to know that there’s more people interested in slutty heroines than we could expect – well, at least from those who answeed. ^^ That help us to know you better, and deliver better stuff, better attuned to you.
Anyway, here’s the spy who everyone wanted to shag. 😉
Tonight’s question is related to yesterday’s:
What of the faces below you’d like to see represented more often in the heroines pin-ups, or pin-ups in general? I mean the one is ‘receiving’, the one who get things done on her.
Beginning of the week, almost end of month. Time to set up the stuff that comes next. How about I make some questions to you from time to time? 😉
Today’s question is how do you prefer the heroines behaving, in a situation like the pin-ups we’ve been posting??
1. bound and fighting fiercely, refusing the ordeal the villain prepared for her;
2. bound and submissive, accepting her fate, praying for that end soon;
3. unbound but compelled to do what the villain wants, disgusted of her own actions;
4. unbound and eager to let her own sluttiness take over.
Let us to know better you! ^^ And enjoy!
Just an announcement – the story isn’t complete. We will have an halt at page 60 because that’s where we stopped to make it for BatX. We need to resume it. It will take some time, but in the meanwhile we have another superheroine story already set up. It won’t have any ‘known’ character, but some kind of ‘original’ heroines. If you have any question about it, feel free to do it. 😉