Category: Uncategorized

Just another Monday

Kinky Jimmy was kind enough to show a preview of his work (available in June).

We will have a separate gallery dedicated to Kinky Jimmy’s work so stay tune. Also, I’m getting a couple of new colorists named Walt and Ramdabam to help me out a little. Sigurd is hard at work with my commission and Phillip Pearce has agreed to do a CG version of O Girl. That should be cute to see. Archee 2 is almost ready and I expect it to be completed by the end of the week.

What the Fuck?

So a fan sent me this photo yesterday and I thought it would be nice to share.

Love it. Thanks JKR fan.

Moving on to other news, I realize we don’t do enough with this blog and I want my JKR fans to be the first to experience everything JKRish. So I’ll start using this blog more effectively.

something fun.

Here’s something I put together for fun.  enjoy

Currently I spoke with Kinky Jimmy of Transartstudios about a commission as well as Sigurd Hosenfeld. I doubt Sigurd will have any time to do my commissions but I’m hopeful Kinky Jimmy will respond to me soon. So all I’m doing at this hour is finishing Moneymaker 9. I’m like 2 pages done so I’m hopeful I’ll get it all done by the end of the week. Mount Harass: First Date pt 2 and Archee 2 will be sent to DigitalCAPS for lettering this weekend. Cuello is working on Kym Pregnable 3, Tayfun Sezer is working on my horror comic for Halloween, and Shelly is finishing Dangerwoman. I’m also starting some pages of Demi for Carnal Comics. Steve is kind enough to allow some of the images to be posted here when they’re done. That’s it. I hope you all have a good Monday.

New Preivews

This week we’ve updated the preview section with current titles and content exclusively available at the site. Check it out when you have time.

good news, bad news

Hey Everyone,

Studacus is now being updated. Anyone who is a fan of erotica artist Cunt should check out this wonderful parody. Okay let’s get to the good news. An online webcomic I’m fond of, The Bean, was nominated for best digital comic of 2011 by the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards. I want to say congratulations to the creator and I hope he wins it. Now for the bad news, it looks like I will have to cancel the Dangergirl parody for the time being and replace it with a different comic. I apologize to anyone anticipating this comic’s release.


Hey everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying the content so far. Recently I decided to run a comic from start to finish in under a month. Let me know how you feel about that. Okay so we got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the next comic will be Gillygan 2 coming in the next update. In addition, all the holiday pinups for February are done and will be release on schedule. They look great and I can’t wait to release them. We’ll also have a “Hood Trailer” available in March which was a fun project to play with. Finally, Enigmawing and I will be working with Carnal Comix to release a Demi comic for both the site and for publication under Carnal Comics. Enigmawing volunteered to do the full cover while I’ll be pencilling about 5 pages of Demi’s 40+ page comic. We’re both excited to work on Demi and we can’t wait to show you the final product.

The bad news here is that because all the holidays all land on a Sunday/Monday, Hood 3 will not be updated again til Febrary 27th. Also, Libertywoman (which is scheduled to run this month), will now be updated a little differently with only one page being update a month. This will allow Sharpie to give the title some quality and polish and have time to work on his own titles Fusion, DrunkDuck’s crossover (happening right now), and his Justice League parody. And the Dangergirl parody (which is scheduled to be released after the Spartacus parody) may see a delay due to the fact that it’s not done yet. Shelly and I are working very hard to get it done on time but if it is not done on time, we will release a different comic (possibly the Aspen parody) in its place.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I hope the season has been very kind to you all. Right now, I’m pencilling a couple of pages from Dalewood and O Girl 2. They look pretty sweet so far. Hopefully it’ll be ready for 2012. Next week, we’ll be showing some previews for next year’s content including parodies for Kim Possible, Gilligan, Peanuts, and Dangergirl as well as some original content like Moneymaker and Give Me an A.  Also, we’ll be introducing Holiday comics to the site which will include Hood Halloween, Santa’s HoHoHos, and an unnamed Halloween Comic by Tayfun Sezer. That should be alot of fun.

Also some news, our Direct Debit is now accepted in Germany, Austria, and the United Kingdom. Also added is a Rebill-Retry that’ll allow reoccurring members with insufficient funds to try again at the 3rd or 10th day without losing benefits or discounts for rebilling.

At this time, I’d like to thank Webs and Siggy, for their hard work and dedication to make this site as successful as possible. Also thanks to my coloring team of Tayfun Sezer, Julian Cuello, Alex Montel, Enigmawing, Shelly Soneja, Marvin Mundo, and JuanMar Studios for their commitment to these comics. Much thanks to Gabriel Micheals, Chip Cannon, and Jinx for helping out with the site. Much thanks to GemLord for producing some very great stuff for the site. And finally, thanks to DigitalCAPs and Grafeletter for their lettering skills and patience. It’s not easy to wait forever for things to finish and these guys have been very professional about it. And for ElysiumBliss, Outlaw, and Sharpie.. welcome to the site. I hope everyone here will enjoy their work in 2012.  Happy Holidays guys. Have fun and be safe.

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone. I hope the season has been very kind to every one of you. Spain Wins will be the last comic to be release this year.  So in 2010 we’ve released 15 comics including Moneymaker 5, Gillygan, Final Fuckasy, O Girl, Moneymaker 6, Archee, Gene69, California Poon 2, Give Me an A, The Walnuts, Happy Anniversary 2, Mount Harass 0: First Date, Moneymaker 7, Hood 3, and Spain Wins in 12 months. Next year, I hope to release 18 comics starting with Walnuts 2, Give Me an A 2, Gillygan 2, LibertyWoman, Moneymaker 8, Give Me an A 3, DangerWoman, Studacus, and Give Me an A 4 in the first six months. I’ll have another announcement later in the month so stay tune for that. For now, I wish you all a safe and prosperous holiday season.

Good News

It’s not everyday you hear good news on the news, but congratulations to all the Chilean Miners who were freed from the mine and to everyone involved in the rescue.  I was great to hear that every single miner was rescued and are back with their loved ones.

2 years and counting.

Well it’s been  almost 2 years since we started this site and I’m happy with how things turned out here. Our success is always due to our loyal members, so thank you always. So to celebrate, I’m having an anniversary comic that’ll run consistently this and next week. In addition, I’m releasing The Wrong House 4.5 at JABcomix as downloadable content and a free 3-page comic at JAB’s art forum. Enjoy the celebration.

Since last August, we’ve made some improvements to some areas of the site including the main page, the preview page, and our blog while. We’ve added 11 comics and dozens of pinups to the galleries. So what’s in store for next year? We’ll finish 2010 with The WalnutsHappy Anniversary 2, Mount Harass 0California Poon 2, Hood 2, and Moneymaker 7 (that’s 6 more comics!). Next year, we plan on bringing out approximately 16 new comics including parodies of KimPossible, Dangergirl, TheIncredibles, Spartacus, ThePeanuts, ScoobyDoo, The Frog and the Princess, and Gilligan.  Hopefully we can pull off this list and a possibly a few more titles. Thanks again for 2 years of dedication and support.