Category: Uncategorized


Shesh what a weekend…

-So I made a blunder two weeks ago and sent the Santa HoHoHo files to the wrong person. Mah bad.  This week Mai confirms her team has the file. I hope they finish on time.

Asspen is fully inked and will be ready for Mai to color in Late October along with Family Pie. Mai’s team sounds eager to get started on both of these.

-Julian Cuello officially has the Wrong House 7 pages and will be coloring it along side Angel Pie.

-I finished re-negotiating Shelly’s terms with the site, I’m happy she’ll be staying with us a little longer. She just finished another page of Dangerwoman and I expect the remaining pages to move a little faster.

-Chip Cannon has now finished all the holiday pinups for 2011 and the New Year pinup for 2012.

-For all you resellers, we’ve added a couple more banners for you. Check them out here:

-For previews, we’ve changed the images again. Now you can see the low res images instead of just half a page. Thank the webmaster for this decision.

– And we are now starting a JKR wiki, giving everyone  information of all your favorite JKR comix. So far, it’s just been me working on it but Webs promises to get me some help making the wiki.

-This week, I’ll probably be working on the cover for Moneymaker 10 and Gillygan 3. Then I’ll be inking another page of Dangerwoman and  Dark Cock Rising while I look over Sex Ed and decide on its fate.

-And those following our contest, we’re down to a page left.

that’s it for now. Hope you all have a productive week.


-The lineart for Wrong House 7 is technically done. I’ll be working on a few ‘effects’ this week and I’ll have it ready for Julian Cuello for coloring. Here’s an early look at the comic.

-Another page of Asspen is done. I plan to get another page inked this week along with another page of Dangerwoman.

-Alex Montel is now over halfway done with coloring the Assvengers. So far it looks great.

-Starting sketches of Dark Cock Rises, Spydersperm, and TransFuckers. Here’s a quick look at some.

That’s it for this week. Stay tune for more.


-Looks like Wrong House 7 is my kryptonite. It’s been a week and all I got is like.. 2 pages inked and pencilled. I’m really feeling terrible about it. I dunno.

-Got another Dangerwoman page inked. I’ll start inking another Asspen page this week while I work on Wrong House 7.

-Santa’s HoHoHos is now in the hands of JuanMarStudio’s Mai and I’m hopeful she’ll be done on schedule.

-And Chip Cannon has the Halloween Pinup done and will have the remaining holiday pinups done by the end of the month.


I’ll try and keep this short.

-Hood Halloween is done and waiting for release in a few weeks.

-We will stop updating Mount Harass: First Date 2 in order to get another Halloween comic, Spirit Calling, out on Sept. 18th/19th. First Date 2 will return in November.

-There will be no update for september 11th/12th.

-And for those who are keeping track of the contest, we’re halfway done with the coloring.

Happy September

Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone.

Well now that the kids are heading back to school.. the grown ups can check out their guilty pleasures. So here’s some progress images of future comics. Enjoy.


in addition to the fourth newsletter being released in the last 3 months, we’ve updated the preview page. So check it out.

Progress update

So this weekend, I finished the lineart for Santa’s HoHoHos (dec) and it’ll be sent to Mai to color next friday. Enigmawing has finished coloring the first 5 pages of O Girl 2 (Mar 2012).  Tayfun got all the pages for Hood Halloween (oct) colored and now it’s in the hands of DigitalCAPs. Julian Cuello and DigitalCAPs are now done with Kym Pregnable 3 (nov) and is waiting for its release. Julian is now coloring Angel Pie (dec). GemLord contactd and informed me he’s having some personal and professional issues to deal with but will get the inking done for JAB’s sex ed soon. After Julian is done with Angel Pie, he’ll be working on both JAB’s The Wrong House 7 and JAB’s sex ed. As for me, I’ll be working on the last page of Assvengers (Apr 2012) tonight and plan on doing some inking for Asspen (May 2012) and Dangerwoman (Mar 2012) this week.

As for a mobile version of this site, I’m hoping to meet with my assistant webmaster (Siggy) next month to discuss that option (among other things).  Also give me some feedback on what you think about a bundling option with Poonet, AndesStudios, and TransartStudios.

Finally, there will no update on September 11th. That’s it for now.



Happy Anniversary

shesh… 3 years of this. It’s hard to believe we’ve survive this long to see a third year. As always i want to thank my staff and crew for their hard work (not always punctual but at least they get stuff done.). Thank you members for your support and keeping us profitable for three years. Let’s keep it going and hopefully we’ll see another anniversary!!! Thanks again.

Added page 4 and 5 of Wrong House 5.5

also adding another page from our JAB contest. Oh and sorry for the recent late updates. My webmaster is on some special project that’s eating up his time. Things will be back to normal soon, hopefully.

Adding more pics


Since the next update are sketches.. I figure I add more free stuff to that. Enjoy.