Archive for April, 2015
Gotta loosen up with a little practice….
Robottwins Page 5 has finally been released!
You can view the photo at the member’s area
Now that is something else! Who would have thought this unfortunate inventor would get the best surprise of his life. Not to mention he gets to see again his sexy robot sitting in his living room. I bet this sassy robot is trying her best to give his master the best treatment there is!

Robottwins Page 5
Wait, how many does it take to tango again??
Robottwins Page 4 has finally been released!
You can view the photo in the member’s area
Just when everything is about to spice up for this inventor, the boss suddenly shows up with an eager looked on his face to bully him all throughout! I guess these hot robots knew what is happening. I wonder will they comfort this inventor in a sexy way as possible!

Robottwins Page 4
Another preview for our hot new comic coming out soon!