Archive for September, 2014
Dead or Alive Page 3 has now been released!
Photo will be uploaded in member’s area
The guy was confused whether if he is dead or not. So this alluring angel explains it all to him in details what this place really is. A place where all dreams turns to a reality, a place not for prayers. But what this guy truly desires the most and I bet these HOT angels will treat him the special service!

Dead or Alive
Great News, Banging Buddies page 5 was added today. Rufus and Clyde’s Car building to attract bitches adventure continues. Now That the two have built a chick magnet with wheels it’s time to take it for a spend. Rufus does’t look like the type of person who signals when he’s driving horny. Actually he doesn’t look like the type of person who should be driving period. We follow Rufus and his lead foot as he looks for “Foxes”, and of course he finds it. An absolute dime, Five Star, light skin bad Bitch.
Will Rufus finally have the chance to stop talking shit and prove himself capable of picking up chicks? Will he have a better chance with his new ride as eye candy because let’s be honest, Bitches love a dude with a car. We’ll have to wait and see once page 6 is released. Also If you live under a rock and haven’t already done so, check out the the prior pages as well.
A true sense of civic duty….