Here is what I know so far about what happened to Kevin. There was some sort of boat involved, I don’t know how big. He fell off and didn’t know how to swim. His girlfriend, who only speaks Chinese, tried in vain for half an hour to tell people that Kevin was lost. Three hours later his body washed up on shore. His friend and roommate, Jaguar, should be arriving in Thailand about now to help retrieve the body. Kevin’s brother is on his way to Thailand now and should arrive there around midnight, Thailand time. They will then transport the body back the the United States. Jaguar and Kevin’s girlfriend are both Chinese nationals, so it might be difficult for them to obtain visas for travel to the US. However, we’re hoping that everything works out. I’ve been in contact with Jaguar and Kevin’s parents and I will let you all know more info as I get it. Thank you for all the love and prayers that you’ve been sending our way. I will let the family know that you all cared so much for Kevin. Without Kevin, there never would have been a He was a visionary in this business and he helped many artist get their start. I owe him everything and I will always cherish his memory.