I moaned softly, as he sneak one of his finger into my all ready wet honey pot.
“I cant believe it you can be this wet!” the low voice that I spoke to in the phone said.
I moaned softly, as he sneak one of his finger into my all ready wet honey pot.
“I cant believe it you can be this wet!” the low voice that I spoke to in the phone said.
Ok, I don’t know, but there must be something in the physiology of these russian people that make them prone to do coloring – something in the light receptors of their eyes.
Here, four completely different styles (and I like all of them, if you’re asking), but even if you don’t like one, you will agree that their color work is nothing but amazing.
I won’t post any pics of them here because I don’t have permission – maybe Dmitrys may give me some, later. So far, dig them there! ^^
From time to time somebody ask me why Kras doesn’t color his own works. My answer is always something like “he takes too much time doing them” – in the time he would dedicate to color a single pic, he could do around 6 inked pages of a comic.
Not that he’s lazy or somethig, but he’s too damn perfectionist – and a computer to somebody like him is a bless and a curse, because after a couple hours he decides something isn’t right in a pic, then start to redo it – both color AND the lineart.
Anyway, here’s a sample of what I’m talking. Took him near two days to reach this point of the pic. The overall result is pretty, I know, but the time for it…