Archive for August 29th, 2009

Comix -Alternate color scheme

Well, this week, today, to be precise, we started another comic there, this time starring two of our favorite girls (meh, thats a lie… we like them all) doing shameful things, as usual. ^^ Here’s a variant color for the first page, a darker tone. If there’s anybody here, reading all this nonsense I’m writing, what you think of it? Better? Worse? Anything?


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Sketch – Wonder who?

A future update… can you guess?

Posted by Picasa 2009-08-29 08:58:00

You know, sometimes it’s a bit frustrating, but we can’t blame anyone but ourselves for it. 😀

This pic was made back in 2007, and it’s a major spoileage of a story we recently finished for legiocomix. Nobody noticed that or commented it after it’s completion. So thats the frustrating part – maybe if somebody noticed, he didn’t care enough to comment. Of course, two years to have 26 pages done its a lot of time – thats the part where we can’t blame anyone but ourselves.

Well, at least people can see that we make a plan and stick to it, don’t matter the time it takes to complete it. 😀

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